本型电压、电流组合互感器(又称电能计量箱)系供交流50Hz、额定电压10kV三相电力线路中作有功、无功电能计量。适用于农村户外变电站。也可用于工业企业小型变、配电所。本产品可取代JLS-10型油浸式电能计量箱。 This type of voltage, current combined transformer (also known as energy metering box) for the exchange of 50Hz, rated voltage of 10kV three-phase power lines for active and reactive energy metering. Apply to rural outdoor substation. Also be used for the small change of the industrial enterprises, power distribution. This product can replace the JLS-10 oil-immersed power metering box JLSZ8-10GY户外高压电能计量箱(组合互感器)
声明:本页JLSZ8-10GY计量箱的接线图、外形尺寸及文字等信息仅供参考用,如有改动不另行通知。订购前请来电咨询,我们有专业人士为您选型。 另外可根据客户要求,订制非标产品,欢迎来电订购,电话021-31263351。